A zen home is meant to be relaxing, contemplative, visually balanced, and appealing. Just as the zen principles aren't defined by specific characteristics, this style is the same. However, it is often associated with minimalism, simplicity, and purity of lines. Open spaces to support the flow of energy in your home is imperative to a zen interior.

Embrace Nature
This style stems from zen buddhism, which finds great value in intuition and meditation. Zen homes follow open spaces, straight lines, and minimal decor. This is a design form that embraces the natural world and utilizes earthy tones to give the feeling of serenity. When choosing texture, be sure to be sure it reminds you of gray stones, trees, or wood.
Minimal Decor
Hidden spaces for storage are an important aspect of the zen style. A clutter free zen space allows for a clear mind and meditative environment. One single painting on the wall or a minimal amount of home decor adds emphasis and intentionality to what you choose to showcase in your interior space.
The lighting in a room sets the tone for the ambiance of the space. You want the lightning in a zen interior to be warm light. Try to avoid only relying on harsh ceiling lights. Instead, lean into floor lamps and the wall lighting. Be strategic with your placement. Intentionality is key to a true zen interior.